Descriptions and Pricing
(where applicable)
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Case Shot split 12 pdr
Case Shot split 12 pdr - $95.00
Shipping - $7.50
Shell split 12 pdr
Shell split 12 pdr - $95.00
Shipping - $7.50
12 Pdr Canister
12 pdr Canister - view slit added, sawdust withheld.
27 Balls 1.49 inch diameter and 2 pounds cannon powder for propellant
12 Pdr Canister -
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
Other Items Not Shown
12 Pdr Shot - $150.00
12 Pdr Shell (with fuse plug) - $150.00
12 Pdr Case Shot (with fuse plug) - $150.00
12 Pdr Mortar Shell (with fuse plug) - $150.00
12 Pdr Napoleon Shell
Weights Approximately 8.5 Pounds And Is Loaded With 7 oz ff Black Powder For A Bursting Charge. The Propelling Charge Is 2 Pounds of Cannon Grade Black Powder. This Projectile Was Used Against Any Type of Fortification or in Siege Campaigns.
12 Pdr Napoleon Shell
- Price Is $150.00
Shipping charge is $15.00
per round.
12 Pdr Napoleon Solid Shot
This Round Weighs 12 Pounds and is s Solid Ball. It was very effective as a psychological weapon against massed infantry as it could actually penetrate thru 4 ranks of infantry and cause fear in the last or 4th rank that was actually pushing the 1st rank forward toward the enemy. It was also used against fortifications to batter down or breach the walls making an opening for the infantry to enter. The propelling charge was 2.5 pounds of cannon grade black powder. The average velocity of a 12 pdr projectile was around 900 fps with a range of 1800 yards.
12 Pdr. Napoleon
Solid Shot - PRICE $150.00
Shipping charge is $15.00
per round.
12 Pdr Spherical Case Shot
84 round balls .69 Caliber and space for approximately 1 ounce of bursting charge with 2.5 pounds of propelling powder. The ball was painted red for easy identification in the field. Some manufacturers would paint the fuse red instead of the entire ball. The bore and the breech are 4.62" in diameter. Range was considered to be 1800 yards at 5% of elevation.
12 Pdr Spherical Case
Shot - $150.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer Canister
Can contains 142 balls of .69 Cal. 1/2 pound powder for
propellant charge. Range approximately 200 yards.
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer
Canister - $150.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
Other Items Not Shown
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer
shell (fuse plug) - $150.00
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer case shot (fuse) - $150.00
12 Pdr Field Howitzer shell (fuse plug) - $150.00
12 Pdr Field Howitzer case shot (fuse) - $150.00
12 Pdr Field Howitzer canister - $150.00
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer Shell
This is the same shell fired by the 12 pdr napoleon and the 12 pdr field howitzer. It weighed Approx. 8.5 lbs. and held a 7 oz bursting charge. The fuse was ignited by the 1/2 lb propelling charge which was precut to a specified time of 1/4 second intervals up to 5.5 seconds. the Indians in the western theater referred to the Mt Howitzer "The gun that fired twice" due to the bang of the gun firing and the bang of the shell down range.
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer
Shell - $150.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer Spherical Case Shot
Contains 84 round ball of .69 Caliber and space for approximately 1 ounce of bursting charge with 1/2 pound of propelling powder. The ball was painted red for easy identification in the field. Some manufacturers would paint the fuse red instead of the entire ball. The wooden sabot is shaped to fit the reduced chamber of the howitzer barrel. The chamber is 3.33" while the bore is 4.62" in diameter. Range was considered to be 800 yards. This short stubby gun fired the same ball as the 12 pdr gun and the 12 pdr field howitzer, but with less propelling powder, lower velocity and higher elevation of arch in flight. The entire gun weight approximately 600 pounds. It could be maneuvered by one horse or loaded onto 3 mules including ammunition and carried over mountain passes.
12 Pdr Mt. Howitzer
Spherical Case Shot - $150.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
6 Pdr Canister
view slit added with sawdust packing
withheld. 27 ball diameter 1.13 inches. 1 pound
cannon powder for propellant. This round was used at close range (300
yards) against massed infantry
6 Pdr Canister -
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
Other Items Not Shown
6 Pdr Case Shot - Never Produced
6 Pdr Shell (includes fuse plug) - $105.00
6 Pdr Solid Shot
The 6 pounder solid shot was used in the same manner as the 12 pdr solid but with less powder. By Gettysburg in July 1863, only one 6 pdr was present. It belonged to a South Carolina unit. The 6 pdr just proved to be impotent compared to the 12 pdr. Early in the war, Robert E. Lee suggested that all 6 pdr replaced with the 12 pdr. If enough metal was not available to cast the 12 pdr, the 6 pdr should be melted down and recast as 12 pdr. The propelling charge was 1.25 lbs of cannon powder with a muzzle velocity of around 900 fps.
6 Pdr Solid Shot -
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
6 Pdr Shell
There is some confusion over this round. Some of my research has revealed a hollow shell with a powder charge of undisclosed amount while most photographs of X-Rayed or dissected rounds show it to be similar to the 12 pdr spherical case. The ordnance manual shows the 6 pdr spherical case round to be loaded with .5 oz. powder as a bursting charge and 41 balls of .69 caliber. The ordnance manual does not show a 6 pdr hollow shell. Range is 1600 yds at 5% of elevation with a 1.25 lb propelling charge.
6 Pdr Shell - $105.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
Rifle Bolt
2.9" or 3' bolt for the 10 pdr rifle
The "bolt" was the solid shot for the rifled gun. It was used against any type of fortification or structure. Its use against massed infantry was not as effective as the smoothbore solid shot. The bolt did not bounce along the ground as the round ball smoothbore solid shot would do but had a tendency to bury into the ground. Range on the 10 pdr rifle with one pound of propelling charge was approximately 2200 yds with very good accuracy. There were 20+ types of rifle projectiles produced during the Civil War as the rifled cannon was new technology and required experimentation to determine the best configuration of projectile. The 2.9" bore rifled cannon was introduced in 1861 and removed from the field and rebored to 3" following the acceptance of the 3" rifle in 1863. This created a standardization of ammunition to 3" projectiles for all 10 pdr rifles. There are many recorded instances of artillery units going into combat and finding they had 3" guns and 2.9" ammunition which ruined accuracy. Or worse yet a 2.9" gun with 3" ammunition which was unfirable. This standardization helped with the logistics of supplying ammunition for the rifled guns. Issued with the rifle round was a powder bag containing one pound of cannon grade powder. Loading of the rifle was done in a double stroke method consisting of ramming the powder bag into the chamber then repeating the process with the projectile. More time was consumed to load each round than the smooth bore but the range was in excess of one mile so it was not a matter of concern until the final charge of massed infantry was at hand. Alas the muzzle loading rifle reached its apex of serviceability in a short span of less than 20 years as the breech loading rifles were developed and accepted by the 1880's.
Rifle Bolt - $105.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
The rifle shell was also in the 2.9" or 3" caliber until standardization was implemented. The shell weighted up to 9 lbs 8 oz. with each type weighting different. I have been unable to determine the exact amount of powder used for a bursting charge but it appears to be around 8 oz. for the average 10 pdr shell. Keep in mind that these rounds are close in representation to the Parrott round, but are not exact reproductions due to keeping the price in line. For the purist they are not correct, but for the person wanting to experience the art of war and the historian performing a living history for the masses, they are very close. The fuse plug I have chosen is the screw in plug for the paper fuse as this was the standard for the beginning of the Civil War. There were more types of fuses than types of artillery shells developed during the war. Accuracy on the 10 pdr rifle was very good and range was approximately 2200 yds. The shell was used against any type of fortification, structure, infantry, or for counter battery work.
Rifle Shell - $105.00
Shipping charge is $15.00 per round.
Powder Bags
Powder bags are available for the 2.9" and 3" ten pound rifle as well as the 3.67" or 20 pound rifle. Larger bags available upon request. The bags are the correct weight, diameter, and design for loading semi-fixed rounds for the rifle.
Powder Bags - $15.00
Shipping charge is $4.00
Original dissected
polygonal shell.
Replaced spherical case at Atlanta. This shell
found at Petersburg, VA. Mold is being made and
reproductions will be cast identical to original. Price
to be determined
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