CANNON WITH CARRIAGE MADE TO MILITARY SPEC OF GRAY OAK WITH 46" RUBBER TIRED WHEELS. TUBE IS 49" LONG MADE OF 3/4" COLD ROLLED STEEL. No liner is required per owner. Bore is 2.75" diameter. The breech is 3/4" welded and pinned with a chrome end cap. Carriage comes with sponge/rammer, worm, 2 trail spikes, and 21ft. lanyard. Gun is 53" wide and 8'6" long and weighs around 1100 pounds. Asking price is $4,950.00
Click on pictures for larger view.
Cannon balls for sale: All
ball are lead
alloy. Shipping is extra.
Shipping is based on weight according to UPS guidelines.
1.06" $2.50 4 oz
1.5" $3.50 weight 12 oz.
1.75" $4.50 golf ball size weight 1 pound
2.12" $6.50 weight 2 pounds
3" $13.50 weight 5 pounds
I have now had requests for small arms and camping equipment, especially wall and sibley tents. If you know of anyone getting out of the reenacting hobby, please pass this site on to them so their equipment can re recycled instead of landfilled or decayed. Saddles, tact, camping equipment and uniforms are all fair game and need to stay in the hobby. Just let me know.
Sell your items here!
Okay, here's the deal. I advertise for you at no cost to you. When your item sells, I receive a 10% commission for the advertising and promotion on the world wide web. This site is receiving more hits per month than I can keep up with. If you are looking to buy a specific product, that too can be listed, and when you purchase I receive a 10% commission.
The commission is paid by the buyer, the seller, or split between the two. Shipping is negotiable between the buyer and seller and not included in my commission. I do like negotiation. If you list an item and it is non negotionable, I don't feel good about it unless of course the product is a small item costing a couple of bucks.
I will list anything to do with antique artillery or reenacting as long as the item is legal under all federal and state laws and not stolen. This includes cannon, small arms, camping equipment, horses, and blacksmith supplies. If you are unsure if your item qualifies, just email me at AAAMUNITIONS@AOL.COM and we will discuss.
You will not know who is offering or asking for the item until I get involved so all correspondence must go through me. If things go well, I will incorporate credit card ability into this site. Until then everything will have to be cashiers check and snail mail.
I assume no responsibility for the quality or serviceability of any product listed by others for sale on this page.
If you would like to list items for
sale here, please send me an email -
Radcliffe -
detailing what you have and other information.